Snow Plowing & Removal

Snow Plowing and Removal Services

Lifetime Warranty on Paver Products

1-Year Guarantee on Plant Materials

5-Year Labor Warranty on Hardscapes


NY and CT Snow Services

John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd offers snow plowing and snow removal in New York and Connecticut. Offering snow plowing, snow removal, salting, and walkway clearing, we’ll have your home or business clear of snow quickly in a professional manner. When it snows, our snow removal crews are here for your snow plowing and snow removal needs.

Residential and Commercial Snow Plowing and Removal Services

  • Snow plowing
  • Snow clearing
  • Snow shoveling
  • Snow blowing
  • Salting

Contact John Jay Landscape Design for more grounds maintenance services information.

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"These guys are awesome. After going through a couple of other landscapers in the area we switched to John Jay. The owner John is always available and usually responds within a few minutes. Any additional requests are serviced within a couple days. Quality of the work is great and pricing is competitive. The customer service is just exceptional."

- Michael Choi

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John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd.

Serving the Westchester County, NY area, John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd specializes in landscaping, hardscaping, and lawn care. Serving New York and Connecticut. Plant materials guaranteed for 1 year. 5-year labor warranty on hardscapes. Call today.

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