
Landscape Excavation Services

Lifetime Warranty on Paver Products

1-Year Guarantee on Plant Materials

5-Year Labor Warranty on Hardscapes


Innovative Excavating and Landscape Design Services

At John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd, our priority is to listen to you, our customers, to gain a vision of your dream. Our goal is to understand exactly what you want and then use our expertise to have your dream become reality. We provide landscape excavation services in Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess counties, New York and the greater tri-state area.

We are an innovative, ethical, progressive excavating and landscape design company, providing the highest quality of service possible for residential and commercial customers. We work as partners with clients throughout each project by exceeding their expectations while meeting our firm commitment to getting it right.

As part of that commitment to getting things right, we realized that the best way to get our landscape construction projects to a great start is with the proper digging and land clearing.

As a fully licensed and insured full-service landscape design and development company, we have highly trained and skilled machine operators for your landscape excavation project needs. We utilize top-of-the-line machinery to ensure your project is completed in a timely manner. From removal or adding of soil for landscape design to land grading for flood prevention and proper water flow, we also provide drainage services to ensure your landscape’s health and ongoing success.

Our landscape construction experts will ensure your outdoor living areas don’t flood with proper grading and excavation. Our services are tailored to meet your budget and landscape. Our commitment to the environment carries through in our excavation services as well. All our work meets or exceeds building codes and engineering requirements, and is developed utilizing sustainable protocols including stormwater management and wetland restoration.

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"Jason and his team are amazing! They completely transformed and repaired our unfinished retaining wall, we absolutely love it! We couldn’t be happier and look forward to working with them again soon, we highly recommend their services!"

- Gina

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John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd.

Serving the Westchester County, NY area, John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd specializes in landscaping, hardscaping, and lawn care. Serving New York and Connecticut. Plant materials guaranteed for 1 year. 5-year labor warranty on hardscapes. Call today.

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