Gardening Services

Gardening and Horticulture Services

Lifetime Warranty on Paver Products

1-Year Guarantee on Plant Materials

5-Year Labor Warranty on Hardscapes


Premiere Gardening Services

Proper care for your landscape or gardens may require special horticulture skills. Let our team of gardening experts at John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd provide expert gardening services for the care and maintenance of your yard and outdoor landscape.

Our educated, highly trained, and experienced staff maintains ornamental gardens including:

  • Classic landscapes featuring specimen exotic trees and shrubs
  • Theme gardens (zen, Japanese gardens)
  • English borders
  • Hydrangea display gardens
  • Water gardens
  • Wetlands
  • Native plant landscapes
&lt;use href="#img1" x="0" y="0"/&gt;&lt;/svg&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;p class="calloutTitle"&gt;Plant Materials Guaranteed for One Year&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p class="calloutSubhead"&gt;Call today to learn more about our gardening services!&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p class="CTAdesktop hide-mobile"&gt;(914) 201-3207&lt;/p&gt; &lt;span class="hide-desktop"&gt; &lt;a value="tel:(914) 201-3207" label="" type="call" href="tel:(914) 201-3207" raw_url="tel:(914) 201-3207" &gt; &lt;div class="dmWidget calloutCTA"&gt;&lt;span class="text"&gt;(914) 201-3207&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class="iconBg"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/center&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; </svg> </div> </center> </div> </div> </div> <div class="u_1389336853 dmRespCol small-12 large-4 medium-4" id="1389336853" duda_id="1389336853"> <div class="dmRespRow u_1450515865 fullBleedChanged fullBleedMode" duda_id="1450515865" id="1450515865" data-anim-extended="eyJkZXNrdG9wIjp7InRyaWdnZXIiOiJlbnRyYW5jZSIsImFuaW1hdGlvbiI6ImZhZGVJbiIsInJldmVyc2UiOmZhbHNlfX0=" data-anim-desktop="fadeIn"> <div class="dmRespColsWrapper" duda_id="1777100216" id="1777100216"> <div class="dmRespCol small-12 medium-12 large-12 u_1934797547" duda_id="1934797547" id="1934797547"> <div class="u_1411237609 dmNewParagraph" dmle_widget="paragraph" id="1411237609" duda_id="1411237609" no_space_e="true" data-element-type="paragraph" data-uialign="center" data-editor-state="closed" data-version="5" style="transition: none 0s ease 0s; text-align: left; display: block;"> <h3> <span style="display: initial; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" no_space_b="true" no_space_e="true"> Reviews </span> </h3> </div> <div class="dmDividerWrapper clearfix u_1883065256" dmle_widget="dudaDividerId" data-element-type="dDividerId" data-layout="divider-style-1" data-widget-version="2" id="1883065256" duda_id="1883065256"> <hr class="dmDivider" style="border-width:2px; border-top-style:solid; color:grey;" id="1382903350" duda_id="1382903350"/> </div> <div class="u_1623449440 widget-3e968b dmCustomWidget" data-lazy-load="true" data-title="" id="1623449440" duda_id="1623449440" dmle_extension="custom_extension" data-element-type="custom_extension" icon="false" surround="false" data-widget-id="3e968bda541d4f4f8b9603cdc9dd8de6" data-widget-version="16" data-widget-config="eyJNZXJjaGFudElEIjoiNDUwNTAiLCJEYXRhTGluZXMiOiIyIiwiRGF0YU51bSI6IjIiLCJUcnVuY2F0ZURlc3QiOiIvcmV2aWV3cyIsIkRhdGFUaGlyZFBhcnR5IjoidHJ1ZSIsIkRhdGFSYW5kb21pemUiOiJ0cnVlIiwiY2VudGVyQnRuIjp0cnVlLCJyZXYtZGFyayI6dHJ1ZX0="> <style> #recentReviewsWidget .button a { margin:auto !important; }

"Jason and his men were tremendous. Great ideas on what this new house needed. Work was completed timely, and neatly. Every dollar spent was worth it. They are very attentive to detail, and, they readily replaced the couple of plantings that were not 100%. My project included plantings, a natural stone retaining wall, steps and walkway, and a patio with fire pit. I am totally pleased with all they did. I highly recommend John Jay Landscaping."

- Lawrence Smith

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John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd.

Serving the Westchester County, NY area, John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd specializes in landscaping, hardscaping, and lawn care. Serving New York and Connecticut. Plant materials guaranteed for 1 year. 5-year labor warranty on hardscapes. Call today.

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