Lawn Care Services

Lawn Care Services

Lifetime Warranty on Paver Products

1-Year Guarantee on Plant Materials

5-Year Labor Warranty on Hardscapes


Premiere Lawn Care Services for All Your Landscape Needs

Your lawn is usually the largest, most visible feature of your home landscape. A properly maintained lawn gives an impression of a well cared for property and indicates stability and status for the homeowner in the community.

  • The average square footage and acreage of the lawn often exceeds the footprint of the home, pool, and landscape.
  • Let us provide you with a detailed lawn analysis and a program tailored to your needs and budget to maintain or improve your lawn.
  • Talk to us about organics and how we can design a healthier landscape for your enjoyment and well-being.

Get the Most Out of Your Landscape

Grounds maintenance and gardening are an important part of your property’s maintenance budget. Let us help you get the most out of your landscape.

We offer organic lawn care servicesgardening services, and grounds maintenance, as well as snow removal and tree servicesContact John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd today to discuss your landscape.

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"Thank you for making our backyard everything we wanted and more. Your entire crew was so friendly, professional and diligent about getting the job done on time. You left our backyard looking beautiful and we are so thankful for your ideas, your diligence, and your professionalism! Jason you were so personable and easy to work with. You also were extremely professional in being attentive to our project. You walked through everything with us in great detail and there were no surprises! Thank you!!"

- Maribeth Linares

Learn More About

John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd.

Serving the Westchester County, NY area, John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd specializes in landscaping, hardscaping, and lawn care. Serving New York and Connecticut. Plant materials guaranteed for 1 year. 5-year labor warranty on hardscapes. Call today.

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