Organic Lawn Care Services

Organic Lawn Care Services

Lifetime Warranty on Paver Products

1-Year Guarantee on Plant Materials

5-Year Labor Warranty on Hardscapes


Organic Lawn Care for Your Landscape

At John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd, we custom design plant care programs, lawn, tree, shrub, and perennial flower beds/gardens based on laboratory soil analysis/test. We only use the finest organic and natural-source products (USDA and OMRI approved) including:

  • Premium quality compost
  • Bio-stimulants
  • Probiotics
  • Pure gypsum
  • Pure calcium
  • Green sand

Talk to us about complete property care. Learn more about our grounds maintenance services today.

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"Job well done today. John Jay came in, cleaned our property, which was no easy task. Mulched in areas we needed. Cleaned up everything and disposed of all I asked. His guys are friendly, courteous, respectful. I am very pleased with the job they did and my gf says she is very impressed as well. Thanks Jason and the team. We will have you back soon to help recreate the front of the house. I highly recommend John Jay Landscape for all of your work. I trust in them. They are awesome. You will be impressed as well. Call them, you won't regret it."

- Chris Anastasi

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John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd.

Serving the Westchester County, NY area, John Jay Landscape Design & Construction Ltd specializes in landscaping, hardscaping, and lawn care. Serving New York and Connecticut. Plant materials guaranteed for 1 year. 5-year labor warranty on hardscapes. Call today.

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